Sunday, July 20, 2014

This seems to be going by so quickly

It's time for another one of those "silver linings". For a number of reasons (which I'm sure I will blog about at some point) it's terribly annoying to sleep days at time but, as always, I try to find the upside of every situation. The upside here is that with weekly treatments, this round seems to be flying by! I'm getting ready for number 3 and that means I'll only have 9 more to go. Already? Really??

So, let's do a side effect check as we roll through the end of week 2.

  • Off the nausea meds for the week. I'll start back up on Tuesday. Did I mention I was down to one prescription instead of two. This is GREAT news.
  • I have ended up with another (very small) "irritation" in my mouth. Still manageable so I can't complain.
  • The inside of my nose is INSANELY dry. I'll try not to gross anyone out but it's bad dry. I've been snorting saline like you wouldn't believe and have even resorted to putting some Vaseline in my nose. I've had some minor bloody nose issues but, again, taking care of it so more of an irritation than anything.
  • My hands and feet are still nice and dark. My right hand is the worst of the bunch. My sister told me it looked like I'd had a hand transplant.  I talked to the nurse about it on Wednesday and she said that, yes, it's a side effect of the chemo. She checked out my hands and said I was lucky (so far) because some people's fingernails turn dark. Wait...what?!?  The would just take the cake, right?!
  • I haven't noticed any neuropathy (tingling and/or pain) in my hands or feet this time around. This is GREAT news. This particular side effect can be "mild and irritating" all the way up to "painful and permanent".  Let's pray for no neuropathy!
  • What am I leaving out???  Oh! Chemo Brain seems to be improving just a tad. I still have a thought, take two steps and forget what the thought was BUT it just seems better (just go with me on this one).
  • Hair update - what I have is definitely longer but the bare spots don't seem to filling in just yet. Seriously? I bet I'm going to have to end up trimming the fuzz or I'll look like Fire Marshal Bill.   
After my marathon sleep (Thursday-Friday), my babies came home on Friday. Bless their little hearts,I miss them so much when they're not here. They are getting to do some fun stuff. I hope this is a summer they remember because of the time with their grandparents, golf outings and swim lessons and not because Mommy slept through most of it. 
It is way past my bed time so I'm gonna go but I hope to get to those RRT posts tomorrow. 

In the meantime, please say a prayer for a very dear friend and her mother (and entire family). Mom is dealing with health challenges right now and they could use all of the prayers, good vibes and happy thoughts you can spare to lift them up and support them. Say it with me, "Cancer Sucks!"

Love to all,

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