Monday, July 7, 2014

It's time for the new juice

In less than 24 hours I start round 2. Glad the A/C round is over because I ended up having the worst side effect experience with the last round. Crazy, right? I know it's still mild compared to what others have experienced so I won't complain...much.
I'm not sure what the impact will be this time around with the new drug so I'm stopping by to say hello now. Doc says fatigue may still be the worst part. I hope I don't sleep as much as with round 1 because it will be a long 3 months if I sleep 5 days out of 7 and then get hit with the juice again. I have a small stock of B6 so I'll do what I can to be normal...well, not normal in the normal people sense of normal since I've never been that...but functioning normal. I'd like to be conscious for more than a week at a time.
I may be back later for a RRT post but, just in case, TTFN (ta ta for now), say a prayer and wish me luck tomorrow.

Love to all

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