Tuesday, July 15, 2014

So many updates, so little time

I couldn't stand it. I have to provide a few updates so I'm using my phone as a hotspot so I can provide some sort of update and then get some sleep. The things I do to stay connected with my blog family!

Side Effects

So, I provided a list of side effects for this round and I am going to go into more detail on some of them but first, I have to add to the list. I know!!! Crazy, right? 
  • Watery eyes...I mean REALLY watery eyes - this one has actually been around since round 1 but I kept forgetting to mention. (If I have, in fact, mentioned, it's a chemo brain thing and I've forgotten. Just act as if this is the first time you've heard this and we'll carry on as if all is normal.  Thanks)  During round 1, it was a side effect (we think) of Cytoxan (sounds like a pesticide or something, doesn't it?). My family can attest to the fact that they water a lot. It looks like I'm crying it's so bad. I was hoping it would go away with the round 1 drugs but, so far, no such luck. 
  • Mouth sores - it hasn't been bad but I did get my first mouth sore. It's about 60% healed now so I'm good. If I get anymore I'll mention it to the doc but I'm paying close attention to caring for the ol' teeth, gums and mouth. 
  • I have invented a new kind of tan. I don't have a "farmer's tan", I have a "I just sit in a chair outside, when I can, to watch the kids play and get some air so my hands and feet (with flip flop lines) are really really dark" tan. My hands are so dark that they look dirty so I actually looked it up as a side effect...and it looks like it's a thing. I sit in the shade as much as I can and if it's too hot I come in so it makes no sense that my hands are as dark as they are. I'll have to see if a pic can do them justice. It's kinda freakish...and I'm just groovy like that.  

It's still early yet but...

I think I might be growing some hair. Ha! It's hard to tell when you start with peach fuzz and there is a VERY long way to go but I'm pretty sure there's something happening up there. 4 months ago my hair was long (beyond shoulder blades long) and thick. Who could have imagined I would look at pictures like these...
Long Layered Pixie Crop Hairstyles 2014 with Bangs
Short Edgy Hair with Long Bangs 2014
I really like this one!!
Love this for when it gets LONG. LOL

and think they are really long. Technically, everything is long compared to what I have now. I can honestly say that it's liberating. Everyone should shave their head at least once in their life. I will go on record and say that I only my kids and my niece have seen the chrome dome. I'll be writing a post all about hair but just know that it has nothing to do with vanity. It's a loathing of anything that screams "Hey, she's sick" when I don't consider myself sick. More on that later...and yes, I will be sharing pics eventually.  :-) How's that for a reason to keep coming back?!

It's way past my bedtime y'all. Back tomorrow!

Love to all,

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