Thursday, July 24, 2014

Making a few changes

I just wanted to update you on some changes I'm making with regard to other social media sites and the blog. In an effort to keep my "normal life/family stuff" separate from my cancer related topics, I've created a FB page to go with the blog. You don't have to be a friend to get quick updates and/or links to blog posts. This cleans up my timeline and everyone else's news feed. It will also provide the "blog only" friends with another spot to get information and catch of a glimpse of life during treatment.
For your convenience, I have added "Follow" buttons to the menu - check out the top right of the screen and you can see links to FB, Twitter and Instagram. If you're viewing from your cell phone and can't see those options, you can either go to your computer and view the blog OR stay right there on your phone, scroll to the bottom of the screen and simply click the "View Web Version" option. This will open up a whole new world of blog goodness for you. 

Thanks as always for the continued messages of love and support, meals and every prayer and good vibe you are sending our way. 

Much love to all!

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