Monday, July 28, 2014

Don't wait for "someday"

When Bobby and I moved in here almost 8 years ago, we had been married for less than a year, were childless and had plans to update the house (which was built in 1996) a little at a time. We pretty quickly updated one of the bedrooms - it was to be a guest room and we were expecting guests. Not long after that we found out I was pregnant with Christian and everyone knows our story since then. Life happened. Stripping 90's era wallpaper, painting and shopping for accessories and stuff to go on the walls fell WAY down on the priority list. Who am I kidding, it fell OFF of the priority list. I've never been one to try to keep up with Mr. & Mrs. Jones. I'm more apt to NOT do something simply BECAUSE it seems popular. I know, I have issues.  Anyway, I've spent most of my time at home over the past few months. Add to that my crazy sleep cycle which results in my being awake at odd hours and you know I end up trolling Pinterest. I have been a "I like that, I'll pin it maybe get around to it someday." Then it hits me - what the heck are you waiting for? When, exactly, is "someday"?? Do you know when "someday" is?? Really??  How many things are you planning on getting around to "someday"??  If a cancer diagnosis has given me anything, it's an adjusted perspective on life. If you want to do something, DO IT! I started a list of things that need to be done around the house, some fun projects from Pinterest, some long term updates and ideas. The point is, I'm moving beyond my Pinterest boards and making plans. Right now, we are focusing on low budget projects. Things for which we already have most, if not all, of the supplies needed to complete. The playhouse project is one. Bobby has used materials from what used to be our pool deck and is creating something extra special for our babies. (By the way, building a playhouse from the deck material was his idea (Super Dad), I just submitted a suggestion from Pinterest...thankfully, he liked it!) The supply list for the one on Pinterest was over $1,000 - so far we've invested less than $175. You can't beat that! Plus, I'm hoping the kids love it for years and that makes it priceless anyway. Other projects:
  • Mattie's cabinet update (FREE)
  • A closet organizing spree (FREE - so far) I can do it sitting down and between naps.
  • Paper flower bouquet for Mattie's cabinet - Less than $2. I already had the paper, sticks and glue gun. We spent some spare change on floral tape.
It may not sound like much but this is coming from someone who was working 12+ hour days, cooked dinner just about every night, spent time with the kiddos then put them to bed, would sleep a little, then start all over. No time for myself, no time for any extraneous projects or activities...busy, busy, busy.  I'm not saying that much of anything on the list above is going to change once I finish the experience that is 2014 but I WILL make time for me and I will spend some time making this house into the house it can be. Nothing fancy (that's not us) but simply adding those touches that make it cozy, comfy and all ours.  
My challenge for my Pinterest friends, DO one of the projects you've had your eye on.  You don't have to be crafty, you just have to be willing. If you don't want to do something crafty, simply declutter and donate, think about ways to update something you already have. Step out of your comfort zone and don't wait for "SOMEDAY"!!!! If you're not on Pinterest, GOOD FOR YOU, but think about something you're planning on doing "someday" and just do it! Come on friends, take back your life and have some fun!

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