Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Really Real Truth Posts Are Coming!

I'm not sure how many of my readers are breast cancer patients or know someone who is but I feel that I have dropped the ball on an important part of the site. My goal, in addition to providing myself with free therapy and to share a laugh or two, was to help those who are traveling a similar path. That means I need to get back to the Really Real Truth entries. I provided a list of subjects back in May and have failed miserably in writing the posts. Since I'm awake and capable, I'm going to catch up! If you're interested in this kind of crazy stuff, then you will be thrilled! I'm going to crank these things out. If you are not interested, you should probably check out that decorating, furniture refinishing or organizing blog...maybe Pinterest. I can suggest some really good ones because I LOVE  that stuff.
If you have questions about anything BC related or would like me to post about a particular subject, please post a comment or send a message via the Contact Me option. If I haven't been through it, I'm not afraid to research or ask my fabulous medical team.

Gotta run...have some writing to do...

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