Monday, July 28, 2014

Follow ups, tests and an explanation

Good early morning to you, friends.
I think I should start with the explanation. If you are a regular reader you might be a bit confused by my previous post. Let me start by saying that I'm still doing well. My attitude is still positive, I am pressing on with treatment, and sleeping a lot...'cause that's how I roll!  ;-) My rant really wasn't a response to my situation, but someone else's. Even though I'm receiving treatment for cancer, I experience many of the same feelings that, I assume, my family and others have when a loved one is diagnosed. A very special lady, the mother of a very dear friend that I've known for a long time, is going through a very difficult battle of her own. I want to help, provide support, make it all better and I can't. Not for her or her dear family. I hate cancer for what it's doing to them and for the fact that it keeps me from doing what I would normally do - BE THERE! Please say a prayer for my friend, her mom and the entire family.

This week for me will be a little more packed than normal. I'll be leaving soon because today I have my 3 month follow up with my AWESOME surgeon today. I'll probably spend more time driving and parking than it will take for the actual appointment but it will be nice to check in and make sure everything is all healed up as it should be.

I think I'll have my echo this week as well. I have to call and confirm but I think it will be after treatment on Wednesday. The call I received was a little light on the details but I'm pretty sure that's the case. Of course, I will keep you posted because I know you won't sleep until that little detail is clarified.  ;-)

Well, I'm off to the big city! Take care everyone and I'll post later.

Love to all,

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