Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Yes, cancer does suck BUT it has it's silver linings

Ladies (and gentlemen), imagine, if you will, that you were given the following options (minus the whole cancer thing):
  • If you don't like your hair, change it. As often as you like and in whatever style you like.
  • Never color again. If you want a new color, just get new hair!
  • If you REALLY don't like your hair, just take it off. No...really, you can!
  • If you don't feel like fixing your hair, just throw on a hat.
  • If you do feel like fixing your hair, it doesn't even have to be on your head so you can actually make the back look FABULOUS!
  • You don't have to be wearing your hair to wash it!
  • Breasts getting in the way? Just take them off, too!
  • No bra required - let me say that again - NO BRA REQUIRED
  • No waxing, shaving, plucking - (Cue the heavenly music!)
  • The foods you love are suddenly going to taste "not so great" but peanut butter and chocolate will probably remain yummy!
Happy Wednesday all!
Love to all,

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