Friday, May 16, 2014

Treatment and the crazy things no one tells you...except me, of course!

Continuing our movie theme, this is from a movie called Modern Problems with Chevy Chase. For some reason I keep thinking of this movie. He is the victim of a chemical spill and funny things follow. You'll appreciate it more when you get to the fun stuff at the bottom. I don't look like this in the mirror but in my mind I least until the 48 hours is up.

This post is more a public service than anything. I've been open about so many experiences that I can't stop now. I had my thoughts about what treatment would be like. You pick up tidbits of information from many sources. Even the information you get from the different members of your medical team with vary. I think there is also a bit of misconception about chemo itself. There is not one chemo - Bobby asked the other day and there are hundreds of different types/combinations. Different cancers require different drugs and they don't all have the same side effects. Example, for some types of cancer, the chemo used does NOT result in any hair loss. Even for people with similar cancers (i.e. breast), the cocktail is different and your doses and combinations are mixed specifically for you. So understand, it is NOT one size fits all. During my Q&A with my MedOnc prior to treatment, I asked about how strong my regimen was - I basically wanted to know where my drugs fell on the Hell-O-Meter. He said on a scale of 1-10, my first round would be a 6 and the second round a 4. I was expecting an 8 on round one. He said 'Oh no, there is stuff that is MUCH worse BUT I've had people sail through on #10 with no major problems and people on #3 who ended up in the hospital." It effects everyone differently. I have a book by a woman who experienced every single side effect you could possibly have. She had issues with pain, uncontrollable nausea constipation, diarrhea, vision issues, nerve pain...and on and on and on. It can be scary.


My first infusion ended at about 11:30ish on Wednesday. I experienced a touch of a metallic taste that same day. My urine was also red -I was warned so I didn't freak out. Just one of the joys of the Red devil (see Instagram photo diary to check out that junk...diesel fuel!!)  They also warned me that my eyes could turn pink or red as well. That, at this point, has not happened so for this round I think I'm in the clear. I've been taking nausea meds since the night before treatment but I'm still waiting for that to hit. I've felt a little tired but not sleepy. That's annoying. I've read that insomnia can be a problem but I'm not sure if it's chemo related or I'm just bracing for the bad part and keeping myself a little too "up".
Now to the stuff that's really interesting. During the infusion of my pre-meds my wonderful nurse shared some info that I didn't know! It made total sense but was just new.

  • For the first 48 hours after treatment, you'll be a wee bit toxic...I'm sorry, what?! Yes - don't let anyone drink after you (no worries there), no sloppy kisses or any kind of action, if you sweat and have close contact with someone, they will get a rash. She said if your temp goes up or the heat is on and you sweat in bed, change the sheets daily and wash them separately. Needless to say, I've been giving fist bumps and waves to most everyone since Wednesday. lol
  • Flush twice when you pee. If you don't the junk that's coming out of your system will turn the porcelain of your toilet bowl black. LOVELY!! You'd have to replace the toilets if that happened.
  • A fellow Pink Lady posted on her blog about her first infusion so I was prepared for my nurse to be dressed in a HazMat suit. She wasn't but she did gown up pretty well...she said she left the goggles outside. She thought that was little much. So of course, we asked why all of the precautions. I mean, we knew it was bad stuff but how bad was it and what exactly was she protecting herself from. Let me go back and remind you that The Red Devil, is in fact, RED. So there was some expectation of staining, etc.  Let me tell you friends, that ain't the concern for her or for me. She said if it hits your skin, it will kill it. I'm talking, gone...bad stuff. That makes you take a moment and think to yourself, "So what the hell is happening INSIDE my body when it gets in there.

So to close, at least as of now, I'm still hanging tough. Maybe a little fatigue, no pain (yet), no nausea (yet), everything seems to be functioning as it should be if not a little slow (for now), sleeping fine when I sleep but for shorter periods and after my 48 hours is up, I won't feel like I'm a danger to anyone anymore. LOL

Love to all,

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