Thursday, May 29, 2014

2 AM Check and all is well

I can now, officially, say that I am at the halfway point of Chemo Round 1- 2 treatments down, 2 to go. WOOHOO!! I still have a very long way to go but looking at the process in segments makes it a bit more digestable..don't you think? I received another round of high fives from my doc and his nurse (everybody has loosened up - I told you I would wear them down) and I'm feeling good about my ability to manage symptoms through the next few days. There will be a lot of sleeping, for a couple of days, no doubt. The current routine is - drink, eat, drink, meds, drink, sleep, wake, potty, drink, snack, drink, sleep, repeat.  Fatigue seemed to show earlier this time than last. I now have back up meds to help with nausea...just in case. I had a lengthy chat with both the doc and his nurse and they said there really isn't a cumulative effect as far as the chemo goes - what they gave me in session 1 is already out of my system. Most issues with round 2 are related to blood count and the work that the round 1 meds have done. So we'll wait and see but I'll keep eating, drinking and moving like I did the last time and mentally plan for smooth sailing. Last time I felt the effects through Monday morning (I kept detailed notes) so we'll see how things match up this time.

On another note, I am happy to report that my treatment buddies were able to enter the building without incident this time. Last time, they had a little trouble with a particular door but, with a little coaching from Yours Truly, we were able to make it to the right place at the right time.

This just happens to be my FAVORITE Far Side comic ever! I'm just lucky that my treatment buddies gave me a reason to be able to post it, and it be relevant and not just for my own entertainment.

We laughed a lot...a few times we laughed until we cried. They made fun of me...a lot. We tried to keep up with my constant shedding. On that subject, I didn't realize how much hair I actually had - still have lots but I would have thought, with all that has fallen out, I would have bald spots everywhere....not so much.  The discomfort has reached the breaking point for me and Gabriel has finally said he's ok with me cutting it all off so I think today is the day. Gabriel is still certain that he does NOT want to participate, in any way, with the haircut. We've been reading Nowhere Hair (children's book about chemo hair loss) and talking about it as appropriate, and he seems to be doing better. Again, I'm trying to follow his lead.
Well friends, I'm going to go drink some more water and have another Belvita biscuit (remember, must keep something on my stomach), turn on my audiobook and try to get some more rest. I should be up again in 3 hours to cycle through the process again.
Back soon!

Love to all,

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