Tuesday, May 20, 2014

No meds, no sick

I hope I'm not speaking too soon but I'm 4 hours past med time and I'm OK! I've kept food on my stomach (just downed a bowl of green beans and red potatoes...my "veggie" snack) and, so far, I'm feeling pretty good.  I think I can safely say that I made it through round 1 without incident. YIPEEE!!! Now, I can focus on staying healthy. Another one of those treatment things you may not know, is that when you start to feel better, you are most at risk of getting sick. Why? Because those chemicals that are charging through my system are doing their job...they're killing cells. My white blood cells are some of their victims. 7-14 days after treatment, counts (of more than just WBC) bottom out. This is the point at which I'll be most at risk. My goal is to have no hospitalization or treatment delays so I'm doing my best to stay healthy. I'm going to go above and beyond (but not crazy) to keep myself going and "clean".
More updates to come!

Love to all!

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