Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Scans complete

I made it through scan day and, you'll be happy to know that, I am not glowing. Everyone was wonderful and I was out the door much earlier than expected, which made this girl happy. So now we just wait on results. My "Spidey-sense" tells me that it  is going to show up in other places but the crazy part is that I feel good!  Regardless of the results, my determination and silliness shall remain intact. That's how I roll!
Now I get another wee break. Nothing until my port placement procedure early on Friday morning. That will be followed by a weekend of taking it easy (because of the port procedure). PT on Monday and then I start chemo on Wednesday.
I'm going to try to get some more sleep but I'll check in again later. I have a feeling there will be napping later today. Yesterday was a long day.

Love to all!

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