Sunday, May 18, 2014

Things I've Learned (Chemo #1 Edition)

Hello friends!

Yes, it really is me. I apologize for being MIA but I've been sleeping...a lot. I'm talking "wake up long enough to walk a little, eat and then go back to sleep" a lot. So far, that process seems to have served me well. I think the key has been listening to those who have gone through this process before me, my extensive reading and research and listening to what my own body has been telling me. As I've mentioned before, everyone's cocktail is different and everyone's symptoms, side effects and reactions are very different. What has worked for me (for round 1 - round 2 will not be this smooth) may not work for anyone else. So, for what it's worth, here's what I've learned:
  • Start taking nausea meds BEFORE treatment and continue for several days after. Don't let the symptoms kick in, if you can help it. Keeping them under control is the key. Do your very best to keep your meds going on schedule. I had a little sour stomach as a result of a delayed dose (I slept through my reminder alarm) but I took it and ate a Belvita bar and things settled down quickly.
  • Move! Don't wait around around for Kurt Russell and Hell to show up. (If this reference makes no sense to you, go back a few posts) Keep on moving and get vertical when you're not sleeping. No laying around!
  • Eat! Keep food on your stomach. I went through several months of morning sickness with my pregnancies and the same thing seems to apply - an empty stomach makes nausea worse. Example, this morning, I was late on meds (again) and waited too long to eat and I thought Kurt had finally arrived. Once again, I quickly took my meds and Bobby brought me a Belvita and I was up, about and smiling within the hour. 
  • Protein - Everyone says keep protein intake high. When in doubt and even when not really hungry, I've been snacking on protein drinks. Quick and easy way to make sure you're getting enough and many of the them are quite yummy!
So, all things considered, I'm feeling pretty good. So the song of the weekend is "Feeling Good" and since I like quirky stuff, I've chosen the Adam Lambert version from American Idol (I just love Adam - the man has skills!)  So enjoy and I'll be back later!

Love to all,

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