Saturday, May 3, 2014

Andrea's Magical Medical Tour - May Day Edition

(Written May 2, 2014)
I had a very busy day yesterday. It started with a surprisingly fascinating appointment. I wasn't sure what to expect with the genetic counseling appointment. I learned so much! I will spare you the full details, just in cases you don't find it as fascinating as I did, but here are the highlights.
  • More than 70% of cancers are sporadic, meaning there is no genetic trail or family history
  • There are some benign conditions which could be indicators of cancer risk 
  • I'm being tested for 6 genetic markers - prior to my appointment, was only aware of two - BRCA 1 & 2
All I kept thinking while trying to take it all in was that this is information people should have BEFORE they are diagnosed.
The consultation ended with a blood draw for the testing. I'm eager to find out the results!

Between my GC appointment and my RadOnc appointment, I made a stop at Josephine's Post-Mastectomy Shop. What a place! I met the daughter of the lovely woman who founded the store 40 years ago. She recently sold the shop but is still working 2 days per week and looking fun and fabulous at the young age of 77.  I can't have reconstructive surgery until late next year, so if I want to have "a little something" up top, I'll have to go with prosthetics for a while. I'm currently not bothered by my boyish figure...I've had moments when I thought I would just keep it. I've gotten used to it already and felt a little odd when I was getting fitted. At first, at least, I will likely feel more uncomfortable with the falsies than going without. I know, it sounds like crazy talk. It's an adjustment but it's my reality now and I'm all about reality. Anyway, insurance pays for the fakes so I might as well have them, just in case. I can always take them off. 

After my visit @ Josephine's, I made a trip to visit my folks. We chatted for a bit, Mom fed me and then I was able to sneak in a short nap before heading back to the Baptist.
I arrived early for my appointment - they requested that I arrive an hour before my appointment. I did, but I had already completed all of my paperwork so check-in took about 2 minutes. I thought it was going to be a long wait but, before I knew it, the nurse called for me. We had a great chat. She fit right into Andee's World! I talked to her about the blog, my t-shirt plans and my goofy way. She was great! She told me I needed a theme song for the blog. I asked her what she would suggest and she said Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. Good, right?!?  We are going to do just fine together!
After another brief wait, I met my Radiation Oncologist. She walked in the room, introduced herself and said, "I hear that you are GREAT!"  I'm not sure how to feel about that. I'm immediately wondering if Dr. AJ has been talking about the whole cupcake thing and she's wondering she gets hers, did I say something funny to someone...if so what was it? Was it inappropriate? Oh dear!!  Turns out it was the nurse and the genetic counselor. That's good right? Anyway, I received the details for radiation and I will be bonding with these folks for sure. 5 days a week, baby! It sounds like a cake walk compared to chemo and the people are already fun so it shouldn't be so bad. I just need to find more t-shirts. LOL

So, with the exception of a few details, the path is set for the next few months of my life. Less than 50 days ago I couldn't have imagined all this but it's life and we're going to continue to roll with it. 

Oh, one more thing. I've heard through the grapevine that there have been ladies who have heard my story and were inspired to go get a mammogram. THANK GOD!!! If you  love me, or even like me a little...heck, if I've made you laugh a time or two, please listen to me. PLEASE GET CHECKED! Don't be frightened. Knowledge is power and the earlier you find something (if there's something to be found) the earlier you can take action. The goal is for no woman to have to go down the road that the Pink Ladies and I are traveling. I'm happy to answer questions, talk, whatever. Like I said, this happened to me for a reason and it has to be because I have a big mouth and very little shame so I will shout it from the mountain tops!! If you're due for a mammogram, DO NOT WAIT!! Save some Ta-tas ladies!!

Love to all!

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