Monday, November 24, 2014

What are you thankful for?

It's that time of year again. Typically, I rant about how I'm thankful for all of my blessings, all year round, not just on Facebook in November. This is still true but I do have some things I need to share here. Unless you work (or have worked) with me, you might not know of my love of bulleted lists. Today is your lucky day, 'cause here come the bullets!!

I am thankful for...
  • A husband who accepts me in all of my medically defective glory. Every single day, even when I looked more like Uncle Fester than the woman he married, he kissed me good morning and good night and told me he loved me. It may not seem like that big of a deal to you but when you feel fat, ugly and less than feminine, it's nice to have the hot guy living in your house treat you like nothing has changed. I know this year has not been easy on him. I cannot ever express to you how much I love that man.
  • A family that has rallied around to help. They've helped with our children, cleaning, laundry, groceries, helping tend to our property, they've gone to treatment and sent me shoes for horribly painful feet (which aren't nearly as painful...thank you!). Neither Bobby nor I are good at asking for help - and thankfully, family was there so we didn't have to ask, we just had to accept. We can never repay the kindness and love we've been shown this year.
  • For my children, who are WAY tougher than anyone might have given them credit for. We made the decision early on to be nothing but honest with them and they've handled it like troopers!
  • For the women who heard my story and were inspired to go for their mammogram. I'm especially thankful that some of those woman caught issues early!  If there is a purpose for my diagnosis and experience, there it is! If you are due for a mammogram and haven't had it, please go. If you aren't due for a mammogram, please do your monthly exams.
  • For strength I didn't know I had. In my early teenage years, I was a bit of a weenie. Luckily, by the time I was a junior in high school I realized I was happier when I stopped caring what other people thought. I was happy to NOT follow the crowd. After graduating from college I moved away (not too far) simply to prove to myself that I could take care of myself. Our life experiences make us who we are - even the heartbreak and scares we've experienced over the past several years, in some ways, prepared us for this challenge. And no, I'm not special and I'm not wonder woman. You never know how strong you can be until you have to be. Trust me.
  • For family, friends and medical team members who laugh with me. Cancer isn't terribly funny and it took some time for everyone to get to the point where they were OK with laughing. Trust me, it makes all the difference in the world. Laughing is so much better than crying, I promise.   If you are a patient, let yourself laugh. Find joy in the everyday. It's there!
  • For my doctors and nurses. I hope you never wonder if what you do makes a difference, IT DOES! I know you look after a lot of patients but I'm the only me I've got and you have made me feel like the most important person you see. Thank you!
That's all for today but that's certainly not a complete list. Every single day is a blessing, no matter who you are. Please don't take that for granted. I have learned to be thankful for even the worst days - because they remind us we're alive. What a year, friends, what a year!

Love to all,

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