Friday, November 14, 2014

It's not much but it's a post.

I should be in bed but today was a good day so why not screw it up by staying up late?!  I do this for you, my friends (and for me but you don't know that).
If you keep up with my random posts on the Facebook page then you already know that I didn't have treatment today. I was in the car, in the driveway ready to roll out when the phone rang. They said that the machine was down so my treatment was canceled for the day. The good news is that I came back in the house and was able to sleep for a couple of hours. The bad news is that we've added another day before treatment will be done. The great news is that my skin was able to rest for a day and I was spared a day of fatigue-enhancing treatment. If my math is correct, the positives outweigh the negatives in this scenario. WINNING!!

I am happy to report that my chemo/post-chemo side effects are improving. I'm still hobbling around due to the neuropathy, but it's not getting worse. YEEHAW!  As you know, the radiation is causing some serious fatigue and some somewhat angry skin. I'll take angry skin any day of the week when the other options is "peeling off my body" skin.  It may get worse but for now, I'll take the sunburn and smile about it. Hopefully, I didn't just jinx myself but yes, so far so good. I will be updating the Radiation Tips page very soon so watch for that - if you're interested.

I have some posts in mind and I hope to get them written and posted this weekend. Finally, something new!  I'm off to bed friends.

Love to all!

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