Thursday, November 6, 2014

Apparently morning quick posts are going to be a thing...

I'm getting ready to roll out so I thought I would give a quick update. Also, today is another "Blue Thing Day!"  Yippee!! Short story here (more detailed post planned) is that they use a blue wax piece, custom made for Yours Truly, every other treatment. Typically they do "skin sparing treatment" but OH NO, not on "Blue Thing Day".  I'm now a week in and the redness is starting to appear - nothing major at this point. It should reach truly nasty levels this time next week. I've had that "sunburn" feeling since the beginning but the skin is still trying to stay normal. I'm doing what I can to take care of it but ready for the worst. They say if it gets bad and peels it will NOT be like a sunburn. The exposed skin will be like (if you get grossed out, stop here..........


...the skin under a blister. Nice and raw. OH JOY!!  Let's just say a little extra prayer that THAT doesn't happen.

On a more fun note, I decided that now is the time and I started my next restoration project...ME!! I've been watching portions, being more choosy about what I eat and I've been walking on the treadmill each day. I'm proud to say that I've already lost 3 lbs since Monday! I have so much more work to do than just weight loss. The lack of anything close to strenuous physical activity for the past 6 months has made me weak, on top of everything else. This is going to be a project but I'm game! I'll keep you posted on progress...somewhere.  Operation: Fat Be Gone is underway!

One final thing - I made myself giggle just a bit yesterday. I have a bit a of a commute to treatment each day. It's not too bad but it give me enough time to get bored at red lights. Yesterday, I started my trip by listening to Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, as I do each morning. It puts my mind in the right mode (laughing) and it's a pretty good tune. At a particularly lengthy red light cycle, I realized that I had some other songs in my library that could apply and so the beginnings of a radiation treatment playlist were born. So far we have the following:
  • Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
  • Sunburn - Fuel
  • Burn - The Cure
  • Burning Bright - Shinedown
I have others in mind and will add them soon. For some reason, this kept me entertained all the way to treatment. The other commuters trapped with me at intersections were probably wondering what in the world I could be so happy about.

Celebrate life and laugh a lot today! I promise, it helps.

Love to all,

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