Thursday, November 13, 2014

Rapid fire morning update

Full post to come later but here are some quick updates:

  • I am through 10 of 33 radiation treatments, as of yesterday. Fatigue is a bear and the burn is getting real. No peeling yet. Woot woot!
  • My nose has finally recovered from round 2 chemo. It took some time but no more bleeding or, uh...remnants of constant dry nose and nose bleeds. Woot woot!
  • My neuropathy issues are slowing improving but will likely be around for a while. That equals me hobbling around for a while longer. 
  • My hair is growing like crazy. My head is about 90% covered with some filling in to do. Brows are back! Lashes are back, too. They are super short but they are there and just long enough for mascara. Of course it looks like eyeliner at this point but I'll take it.  I am emotionally done with wigs. Lol. I think it's because I no longer "look sick" with no hair, brows or lashes. I just look like a chick with crazy short hair. I still wear hats cause the dome gets cold and I can't style this stuff yet. There is almost enough to part it!
Gotta run

Love to all,

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