Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Feel the burn

Good morning friends! 
I (unintentionally) woke up way too early this morning 😬 so say a prayer for me. 🙏

Things will get hopping shortly so I thought I would try to give a brief update. Yesterday was "Wear the Blue Thing" Day and also "Doctor Day". I'll explain the blue thing, as best I can, in the next post. Doctor day is pretty self-explanatory - I see the radiation oncologist on Tuesdays. We chatted about how treatment is going, she checked my skin (for now, it's still there) and then she asked if I wanted to see my treatment plan. With pictures...of my INSIDES!  Well, heck yes I wanted to see. She showed me the areas being treated, how and where the radiation is entering the body, where the beams were treating in relation to my heart and lungs (both are very close to the line of fire and could take a tiny hit).  It was pretty fascinating. She also pointed out that the scan showed a seroma (fluid) where I had nodes removed but it has actually gotten smaller. Then she said the words every cancer patient wants to hear - "The scans showed no surprises. We don't like surprises."  Well zippitydooda! Thank you ma'am! Every time you have a new scan, of any kind, there's always the fear of someone saying "we've found something".  Well not this time. Oh yeah!!  Woot woot!!!

I gotta go. Pray I stay awake and somewhat coherent today. I can do this. 

Love to all,

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