Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Treatment plan taking shape

Well, the time has come. I was prepared to get an aggressive treatment plan and they didn't disappoint. Heavy duty chemo (really, is there any other kind) is coming soon. I have some testing this week and early next week. This week we've added appointment #5 and tacked on a 3 scan day on Tuesday (which I've dubbed the nail biter day), port placement next Friday and I begin enjoying chemical cocktails on 5/14.  We first have to check to see if my heart is healthy enough to handle the Red Devil and his buddies. Then we move on to the scans to see if the big C has taken up residence anywhere else. (Insert nail biting here). Then I see my darling surgeon again for the port placement next Friday. Due to my "young" age and general good health, aggressive is the way to go. They want to do everything possible to minimize my risk of recurrence and obliterate anything that might be hiding. With this treatment plan we're looking at up to an 80% chance of no recurrence. Unless something changes with the scan results,  we are going for cure here! If it does appear somewhere else, it's not game over it's just long term treatment/management. 
Send up your prayers like crazy for clear scans! I'm prepared either way but am and shall remain an optimist. ;-)

I kept the goofiness to a minimum but there were laughs. I'll have them all charmed by the end of treatment #1. I must get my tshirts prepped and ready to roll.  Anyway, he said he loved my positive attitide and he was very impressed with my knowledge level and preparedness. Love that! At one point he said "You already know everything, you don't really need me." I said I did need him since I couldn't mix the drugs on my own. He said he didn't even do that, the pharmacist did that. My response was, "Well, I'm sure I'll need your expertise at some point." He thought that was funny...thankfully. Lol

I have 2 appts tomorrow including one with the radiation oncologist so hopefully I'll have the blueprint in place for the rest of this year. It's going to be a test but I'm as ready as I'll ever be. 
Smile friends, life is good!

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