Wednesday, April 16, 2014

So, did they have any trouble getting my appendix out....wait, they took WHAT??

You've figured out by now that I'm a bit of a goofball. Early yesterday, I let Bobby in on my plan. If he was able to see me in recovery, he'd know I was ok if I woke up and said "So, did they get the appendix out ok?" Sadly, he wasn't allowed into recovery nor was I OK. When I woke up, at least a little, I was experiencing some pretty nasty pain. If you're lucky enough to have never had major surgery, then you may not know that they ask you to score your pain level on a scale from one to ten. I don't think I've ever responded with anything higher than a 7 (maybe an 8 during labor...with no drugs...UGH) but I can honestly say that, had they asked me at that moment, I would have said a 10 or 11. Never in my LIFE have I been that uncomfortable. In the moment, I kept thinking that I woke up before they could give me any pain in I was getting the "this is what surgery feels like without pain meds" kinda pain. Since it gradually got worse, I think it was just an interval between doses. They responded quickly and were wonderful but I don't wish that on anyone. Whew.
That said, I'm feeling good (considering) today. I'm resting a lot, taking advantage of frequent naps throughout the day. Walking around - it's nice to get up and about. If you had told me yesterday that I would feel this much better today, I wouldn't have believed you. I'm still trying to (physically) adjust to my boyish figure but the no bra thing is pretty fabulous! I can definitely tell something is missing but my shirts fit GREAT.
I'm happy to report that I hear there was a lot of love and laughter in the waiting room yesterday. Thanks to all who showed up to support my darling husband. What a horrible wait that would have been if he wasn't surrounded by so much love, support and of course, laughter! Everyone should be so lucky! To each and every one of you who showed up, called, texted or even said a prayer for him, I send you my undying love. I love him more than anyone will ever know and I know that this process has been and will be as tough on him emotionally as it will be on me, physically. We will get through just fine but don't forget to say prayers for him and the babies as travel on this journey.
I'm going to sign off and go put on my massive ice packs and rest my t-rex arms for a while. I'll update again tomorrow. As always, thanks for your continued support and love. It's so nice to know we're not alone.

Love to all!
Andee aka Rex

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