Saturday, April 19, 2014

My sweet boy OR I'm over these drain tubes...really

It's 2:52 am as I type this and I'm doing it from my phone so I apologize for any typos or errors. I've been up for over an hour now...I think. The house is quiet. My hubby and my babies are here and I couldn't be happier.  When the family arrived last evening, Mattie was the first one in. She said hi Mommy, told me she missed me and immediately shifted gears and said she needed to show me all of the goodies she received at her Easter party. Barely missed a beat. Love her. My boy was the next one in. He came around the corner and said hi Mommy, hugged my neck, kissed my cheek then proceeded to tell me about his trip to space (the planetarium). Then a few more lingering hugs. He came back multiple times. He played with his trains and his Hot Wheels but he kept coming back for more hugs. When it was time to go to bed, he wanted to climb up in the recliner with Mommy and sleep. He tried to fight for it a couple of times but we finally convinced him to go on upstairs. What a sweet and intuitive kid. Apparently he told Bobby he wanted Mommy to come back home with them when they left. Sweet, sweet sweet!
There's a punch line coming so hang with me. So, we have been very open with the kids about the situation. They don't understand "cancer" or "surgery" but they know Mommy is sick and will be seeing the doctor a lot. I've been trying g to prepare them for the hair loss, for example. We started off easy with "what if Mommy cut her hair" then "what if Mommy's hair was short like Gabriel's and Daddy's? Then what if Mommy's hair looked like Papaw Eddie's?  Fast forward to last night before bedtime, I had been been wearing a ball cap all evening. Gabriel looks up at me with a little concern on his face and says "Mommy, do you look like Papaw Eddie?"  WOW!  I immediately lifted my hat to show him all of my hair was still there. Smart kid to remember that conversation and tie it in to my absence. Our Nurse Navigator sent some children's books that should help when the time comes for hair loss and I'll keep talking to him to keep him at ease. What an amazing little family we have.
Now let's shift gears a little.  When we initially met with the surgeon, I asked what would be the worst part post-surgery. Would it be pain? Lifting my arms? What?  I was surprised when he said the drain tubes would be the worst part. Well he was right! Holy crap, they cannot come out fast enough. They're kinda gross, they get in the way, I have to have help maintaining them (my momma is a trooper!!!),  and they are not that easy to hide. Luckily, things appear to be slowing down so I'm praying that he will be able to take them out on Wednesday.  Patience, Andrea, patience. Ohm.....
I'm going to try to go back to sleep. Rest equals healing so I'm pretty tomorrow will include some nap time.
Thanks to everyone who has checked in. I'm a little behind on responses and thank yous but I'm reading everything and so appreciative. Still feeling the love and support!

Love to all

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