Saturday, April 5, 2014

It is BREAST cancer so there will be boob humor - you have been warned

**The epic post became truly epic. I'm going to edit and break into multiple posts. I just have a lot to say**


Bobby and I are pretty typical. After dinner, we were hanging out discussing our work days. Part of the conversation went something like this.

ME: Ya know, I never thought I would spend so much time thinking or talking about boobs. Funny how that happens.
BOBBY (without missing a beat): Doesn't surprise me at all, I think about them all the time.


Though it's a funny story, this is not another Daily Laugh. I've spent a good portion of the past week trying to get used to, what is, my new normal. Part of that new normal is talking to friends about my situation and my disease. Answering questions and having discussions about treatment, side effects, surgery, reconstruction, bras, scars...and so on. I've spent most of my professional life in male dominated work environments. Since June of last year, I've been in an office with more women than men. It's different - not bad, just different. If you know me, you know that I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and it happens when it's supposed to. From day one, I've loved my job and all of my work family. I quickly felt right at home. But over the past couple of weeks it has become clear to me what the "purpose" was in this change. It was to be surrounded by a group of women who all bring something different to the table. So many different personalities, some feisty, some emotional, some caring and compassionate and those who just tell you like it is. I don't let many people in or have a large group of friends but I can say that I've made FRIENDS over the past 10 months and I consider them blessings. They accept the weird things that make me, me. They look out for me when I don't look out for myself. They coach me when I need coaching and share their wisdom and guidance on some challenging topics. I now have some wonderful women in my life...and thank goodness because that makes it a whole lot easier to discuss boobs at work!  ;-)

Love to all,

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