Monday, April 21, 2014

Innovation is alive and well...

Sometimes, being able to take care of yourself requires some creativity. See, I have this problem...I don't like help. I don't like being a burden and I sure don't like being unable to tend to my own needs. Don't fuss at me yet, I'm following instructions. Not lifting over 5 lbs, not lifting arms past my shoulders...etc, etc.  That said, I have been creative in working around the rules. I have bathed myself (sans assistance), dressed myself, I've been sleeping in a recliner since surgery so, with the exception of the first 2 nights, I can get myself out of the chair as needed so my mom can sleep in her own bed. I'm one stubborn gal. So, even though I like the dry shampoo product, it was time to really wash the hair...with water. Problem is, I have decided that I'll let the doc remove the bandages on Wednesday (I really don't want to have a look at staples until I have's not me...I peeked). That means, I still can't get "the area" wet. What is a girl to do?

Let's just say that the job was done, by me, and involved plastic wrap, tape and a strong will. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!

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