Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How busy can you be, really?

Welcome to the 3 o'clock hour, friends!  Ugh!!!!!
Since I'm up anyway (growl), I thought I'd provide an overdue update. I'm sure you've been wondering how in the world I could be so busy. I mean, really, you'd think I could just kick back in the recliner and enjoy some down time...right? Well, I'll admit that I didn't sleep well on Sunday night so I did go back to sleep on Monday morning (...what? I'm entitled). But beyond that, life does not stop with a diagnosis. My husband is fabulous and stepped up in a big way to pick up what I was unable to do. He is SUPER involved anyway, so that was no surprise. I don't want to be burden to anyone and I'd sure rather contribute than be a couch potato. I have a husband and two kids that need me and we all need a little "normal" at The LD so life rolls on!  So after helping get everyone out the door, I took that little nap. After waking up for good, I did the following:
  • called the surgeon to schedule some aspiration (yes, I'm finally caving in)
  • called to get my PT scheduled
  • faxed over my orders and some additional info to PT
  • took a shower
  • did a load of laundry
  • created and populated a medical calendar and sent notification of said calendar to family
  • called surgeon's office again (it's ok, I gave them cupcakes) to make sure I was cleared to drive. I have multiple appointments this week and didn't want to have to bother anyone for rides if I didn't have to. 
  • spoke to genetic counseling and ended up moving my appointment Thursday morning
  • worked on the 200 page (maybe it's more like an 11 page) family medical history questionnaire for genetic counseling appt
  • worked on 4 pages of pre-appointment stuff for each of my two oncology appointments scheduled for this week
  • did another load of laundry (pajamas, remember...lots and lots of PJs)
  • more thank you notes
  • smoothie for lunch
  • cleaned kitchen.
  • put dishes away
  • picked up some toys
  • made sure I had my Rx for my falsie bra ready for one of my trips to Lexy this week. Yes, my doctor wrote me a script for boobs. It's a medical device!! For some reason that just makes me giggle.
  • figure out dinner
  • discuss dinner help for later this week with my dear SIL, Pam
  • gather the trash (no heavy lifting, left that for Bobby). Tuesday is trash day!
  • pick up the kids
  • feed them
  • cook dinner for Bobby and me
  • sat at kitchen table with Bobby and had dinner! Aah...
  • as our luck would have it, one of our TVs decided it was going to try to die (apparently the curse of the Redneck Kennedys extends to electronics) so helped Bobby work on repair. No heavy lifting. Just research, door opening and cheerleading. Stay tuned to see if we can bring it back from the brink. I have faith!
  • check on the weather
  • get the kids prepped for bed
  • fall asleep with Mattie and wake up @2:45 am
  • update the blog. 

Whew! I need a nap!

Love to all,


  1. Just so you know I didn't just giggle about your Rx for boobies!! I laughed out loud!! LY girl!!!
