Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ponder it, accept it, and move the he## on

In a few hours, I will officially hit the "6 months since surgery" mark. Can you believe that?? It's hard to believe how much has happened since "Lump Day", diagnosis day, and yes, Bye Bye Boobies Day. In addition to that 6-month-iversary, tomorrow marks another milestone as I will be calling to schedule radiation. That will set in motion another period of constant BIG C reminders - hard to forget you were diagnosed with cancer when you have to go for treatment E V E R Y   D A Y. Though I have been battling a cold, I have been happy to have a bit of a break from the hard stuff, but it has given me time to think about what's to come. During this time something hit me...once a cancer patient, always a cancer patient. See, I've been taking this journey, mentally, in small segments. If you keep up with blog you know what I'm talking about. I have focused on one step a time. To quote President Bartlett, I just say "What's next?" and deal with whatever is next. During this downtime it has occurred to me that my journey with cancer will NOT end when chemo and radiation end. This is my life now. I have to take daily medication for up to 10 years. I have to be careful to minimize my risk for lymphedema (have I done that lymphedema post yet?), due to the treatment and medication, I'll have to be monitored for side effects including secondary cancers. I have been so focused on the getting through the short term journey that I hadn't really thought about what comes next. Don't worry, I'm still GREAT. I hate cancer, in all of its forms, and I'm happy that I'm able to fight on. I respect the fact that everyone doesn't get a chance to look that far into the future so you will NOT hear me complain. I wake up every morning and laugh at my fuzzy head in the mirror, give thanks for another day and get on with living. I don't have the time or the patience to worry and it's so much more fun to laugh and live for the moment.
Now, on to the funny stuff. So, if you have been a reader since the beginning or if you got started late and went back and read from the beginning (bless your heart), then you know I went to see about falsies a couple of weeks after surgery but I've not actually gotten any yet. I know, I know...I should just do it. At this point, though, since I share all my boob business with the world, I think I would kind of feel like a fraud if I got them...and actually, you know...wore them. Plus, you know me, if people who know see me out with them on, I'm going to have to ask something stupid like "So, what do you think? Did I get the right size?" or "Are they straight? You HAVE to tell me if one is higher than the other...it's your duty!" I'm considering going to get them since I'll be "going to town" on a regular basis. I know I won't wear them all the time so, of course, I found a humorous way to think about what I could do with them when I'm not wearing them. I mean, really, with the hair, there are wigs everywhere. It looks like small dogs have died all over the house! Anyway back to the falsies, I suggest that you hop on over to the FB page where I will be sharing some funny stuff from "101 Uses for a Fake Boob (or Two)"  Enjoy! Laughter IS the best medicine!!

Love to all!

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