Thursday, October 2, 2014

It's October and you know what that means

Pink this, cure that...yep, sounds like October to me. So, am I going to beg you to donate money? Buy that pink can of soup or wear a pink ribbon?  NOPE. If you want to do those things, by all means do! All are great but if I could ask each and every person who reads this blog to do something in honor of BC Awareness Month it would be this: create a schedule for monthly self exams and STICK TO IT and, if you are of age, schedule that mammogram. That's all I ask. Saving the Ta-tas is a catchy slogan but I'm more of a "who cares about the ta-tas, let's save some LIVES" kinda gal. Why, you ask? Because if you're so afraid of losing the ta-tas that you avoid testing, of whatever kind, you could lose a lot more than your ta-tas!  Got me? So ladies, do the check and make the appointment. Early detection CAN save your ta-tas, so it's a win-win!  For my 3 male readers, put some pressure on your mom, sisters, lady friends...anyone who won't think you're sexually harassing them, to get checked. If you are afraid of losing the ta-tas and need some extra motivation, I'll be happy to show you what it looks like to lose them. You'll be on the phone making an appointment in record time. Save the ta-tas, better yet...let's save some LIVES!!!!!

Love to all!

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