Thursday, October 30, 2014

I must confess...

I was not a believer. I didn't think that making the trip to treatment each day would be tiring. I've spent ridiculous amounts of my days driving either for work or commuting to and from work. Driving does not typically bother me. Problem is, my routine for the last several months has not been "typical". I've been a homebody for most of this year. During chemo I didn't leave home very often with the exception of my weekly (or every 2 week) treatments or other medical appointments. This week of daily appointments in Lexington has reminded me that I'm still working to get back to normal. I just tire so dang easily! I figure that I will adjust eventually...probably by mid December. ha ha!!

So I had my first radiation treatment today. I doubt the glow will come with the first treatment, so I'll be working up to it.


Treatment was quite uneventful though some of my radiation experience over the past 2 weeks is the inspiration for the title of this post. Yes, I have something to confess. I hope I don't shame my husband or family but...yes...I have had topless photos taken. I know, I know...scandalous! 
Seriously though, over 6 days of visits so far, I have been scanned, marked with Sharpie, x-rayed, fitted, drawn on again and every step of the way someone has been there with a camera. I told them I didn't want those pics showing up on the Internet! They laugh. Of course, these days there's nothing of any interest to see but it's just another one of those things you need to prepare for if you are a patient. I lost all medical modesty a long time ago but if you are dealing with body image issues after surgery then you need to be aware that you'll be dropping your robe repeatedly before and after surgery, you do get to keep your top on for chemo but not with radiation. Don't stress though, they have seen it all before and just go about their business. The fun just keeps on comin'!!
The rest of the house is asleep so I'm going to go take my nightly soak and then try to get some rest. I need all of the extra ZZZZZs I can get these days. Whew!
Love to all,

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