Monday, October 20, 2014

Oh, come on!!

If my (growing) hair doesn't start to fill in and this weight loss doesn't speed up,  I'm going to get grumpy.  I am but a pair of dark socks and sandals away from looking like a little old man.   :-/

All kidding aside, the hair continues to grow. It seems to have experienced a bit of a growth spurt in the past couple of days. What's there is growing but there is some filling in that needs to happen, for sure! I've been going wigless most of the day (woohoo!) but I still wear a hat - lightly coated heads really do get cold!  If you're going through or getting ready to go through chemo, my suggestions is to get some comfy hats!  I'm blessed to have a wonderful friend who made 2 batches of hats for me. They are most perfect! Find hats that are warm and comfy, you'll be glad you did.
So, it's almost time to talk treatment again. Most of my treatment break was spent battling a cold but I'm happy to report that I've felt just about normal for the past couple of days. Just in time to get radiated!   I know I'm weird, but I'm so eager to get this started. Can't get on the road to finishing this part of the journey until we get started. The first step comes on Wednesday. It will be a Professional Patient Day - appointment with the medical oncologist, Herceptin infusion, appointment with radiation oncologist. Good times! I haven't had a day like that in a while. Since this is all brand new to me, expect some really boring posts with details and the ins and outs of radiation. It should be FASCINATING!
My sleep cycle has been relatively normal recently...well, other than the fact that I could still nap during the day...I actually go to sleep and stay asleep and the alarm actually wakes me. That's HUGE!
That said, I'm sleepy so I'm going to sign off. I'll be back soon.
Love to all,

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