Friday, September 19, 2014

Welcome to Andee's Insomnia Insanity

I'm still awake...yep...I am.  I've had a jam packed evening. I've had some Carolina BBQ in the crockpot all day. The 12 hour cook time wrapped up at about 11:30 so I then shredded and sauced that FABULOUS stuff. Then I logged in and worked for a few hours, updated my grocery list all while listening to some fun tunes. Now I'm starting to feel sleepy BUT I couldn't go to bed without putting something on the blog. I'm awake for YOU my dear blog follower. It's all about YOU! I'm groovy like that!  ;-)  Actually, I'm pretty dazed and if I looked in the mirror right now, I'm pretty sure I'd see something really similar to this...

"Big Eyed Dog" from Chuba & Company
I thought I would present some of tonight's...uh...this morning's thoughts in cartoon form. I'm tired, it's easier, and a whole lot funnier I could be right now. ;-)  Enjoy, laugh and come back when I wake up refreshed and renewed.  Love to all! Andee

(I didn't find any more cartoons that I felt were worthy of post. I'm going to bed.)

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