Sunday, September 21, 2014

There are SOOO many posts in my head.

Good evening friends!
I am currently (partially) awake. Woohoo! This is kinda big news. For some reason, the fatigue over the past two weeks has felt a whole lot like Round 1 fatigue.Crazy, right?!  I cannot get enough sleep. Once again I'm a little slow on the uptake.  I should have just planned to go to bed for the better part of a couple of days but I figured it out too late. Live and learn, right? At least I know what to expect through next weekend. Wait, have I mentioned that my last chemo (knock on wood) is on Wednesday? I have?? Really?

Obviously I wanted to post something, because here I am, but I want to sleep more. Sorry folks, I love you, I really do, but I must sleep. I will, however, provide a bit of a teaser for this week's posts. I commit to getting them all done and posted. Howz about that?! So, here's what you have to look forward to...
  • Mutilation post conclusion
  • My Save the Ta-Tas commentary
  • Please don't call me a "survivor"
  • Breast cancer....aren't you scared??!!
There's more bouncing around in this ol' head of mine but I can't commit to more than that at this point.  
I hope everyone had a fantabulous weekend. Back soon!!

Love to all,

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