Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Really Real Truth - Mutilation (Post in progress)

Good evening friends.
I was going to write my Save The Ta-Tas commentary but that is going to take some time. I have decided to write a brief RRT entry on mutilation. It won't be that painful (I hope) and there will be laughs (I hope). That said, the Really Real Truth is just that and we're going to be talking about surgery so if you're not interested, turn back now! If discussions of ugly scars, scar tissue, and other tastefully detailed descriptions of a body after a bilateral mastectomy without reconstruction bother you then you really, really, really need to stop here.

I'll wait...

...but not too long...


time is...


Ok, here we go...'s 12:22 and I need to try to sleep. I'll finish tomorrow.  If you don't want to read the details, just don't read the finished product.   :-)

Love to all,

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