Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Time to move!

As my chemo experience is winding down, I'm obviously reflecting a little on all that has happened in the past 5+ months. Oddly, on one hand it seems as if it has flown by but on the other, it seems like this has been part of my life for such a long time.
Over the past few weeks, you might have noticed a little less activity on Facebook, Instagram and, obviously, here. All of my "sharing" is still very important to me but I've started the process of easing back into a world that doesn't include (hopefully in both the near and distant future) cancer or treatment. I'm still sleeping a lot but my waking hours have been occupied with some actual work.  I'm lucky enough to be part of an organization that has been so understanding and supportive. I have been able to focus on my surgery/recovery/treatment when I needed to and now I can spend some time working out my ever-so-tired brain cells. It has been so good for me. I'm not moving mountains but I'm contributing and that has given me such a boost. It has motivated me to start working on the physical comeback as well.
Don't worry, I haven't been pitiful or anything - if I'm not sleeping I'm up and moving. I have just spent the several months doing a lot of sleeping, dealing with meds, treatment side effects, etc. Steroids have done their thing during over the past 11 weeks. I've gained some weight but I look like I've gained a lot more than I actually have. I am shaped like...I don't know what...but it's very different than before treatment. A year ago I was doing Insanity every day. Today I put my out of shape self on the treadmill and walked for 30 minutes. I walked a mile. REALLY?!?  UGH!  I'm out of shape, but not THAT out of shape. I just thought it best to start slowly. The point is, I'm not waiting until treatment is over. Depending on when they decide to start radiation, I'm still a full time patient until AT LEAST Thanksgiving. I've decided there is no reason I can't start now. I'm fighting through fatigue to work and I'll fight through fatigue for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. With only 2 treatments left, I've finally figured out how to eat while on steroids (better late than never). I shall not focus on where I am, I'm going to focus on where I'm going to be. That means that I'm setting goals. I expect to be back into a 60 day cycle of Insanity no later than my birthday (if not earlier). That's in January, by the way.  As I've said before, my hope is that the blog will one day transition from cancer and treatment updates to life on the other side updates. Remember, I still have a year of Herceptin, 5 years of Tomoxifen and a handful of surgical procedures left to document so there will be no shortage of that type of stuff.  I will forever be a resource for anyone who has questions or needs support but I hope to include helpful information on what happens next. I figure we'll talk about diet, exercise, news and research. And, as always, laugh a little along the way.  For now, we'll have a lovely mix of updates - treatment and beyond!

Have I mentioned that I have treatment 11 of 12 tomorrow? I have??  LOL  Catch y'all later! Oh wait...we need a laugh...
I'll be back with some humor.   ;-)

Love to all,
Love to all!

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