Wednesday, September 17, 2014

This will be short because Momma is sleepy

Well, I finished chemo treatment number 11 of 12 in this round, number 15 of 16 overall. Holy crap on a cracker! Can you believe it?! Even though I have plenty of fun yet to come, this is starting to feel like a real milestone. Sadly, I did not get my quick nap today after treatment so I've got to try to take advantage of what's left of the Benadryl and sleep before the steroids take over for a couple of days. Tomorrow I will post some new info from my oncologist - he's really opening up as treatment winds down. He's fabulous.
Sleep tight friends. We'll catch up tomorrow.

Love to all,


  1. Nitie nite, pleasant dreams ��

  2. Thank you my sweet friend. Got several hours of sleep last night and going to try for some bonus sleep this morning.
