Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Where have you been....again?

I felt this post needed a picture but I wasn't sure what would be appropriate. I didn't have any great ideas (probably because I'm so distracted by my discomfort) so I improvised. I pulled out a ridiculous pic from a couple of weeks back, did some cheesy edits and VOILA, this is now a post with a picture.

You might be wondering where I've been. Why do I post frequently at times, and then there are long stretches of not Well, I have a few rules that I try to follow. I have something to say just about every day but my rules keep me in check. Here are a couple of those rules:

  • Whenever possible, try to not to repeat yourself.  If there is a good reason to share information again for the sake of the newbies and/or to provide information to my cancer patient readers, then I shall repeat. Otherwise, I don't write just for the sake of a daily post. 
  • No complaining. I try NOT to write if I'm in pain, or even really uncomfortable, because I want the blog to informative, not a pity party. I'll eventually tell you about my challenges but only after I'm through the worst of it. It's important to me to share those things but I don't ever want to be a crybaby. My goal here is to inform. I'm not fishing for sympathy - that can stay in its assigned spot in the know what I'm sayin'!
I'm quite uncomfortable right now for a couple of reasons, but I will not be complaining. I will be providing a brief update because we have a new development. I went in for my bi-weekly "Fill 'Em Up & Drain It Out" appointment today. You can take a small leap and guess what one of the causes of discomfort is.  In addition to that, I've developed some not-so-lovely scar tissue on my back where the muscle was moved. My body is apparently working overtime to fill that void. Fluid and scar tissue are not my friends. The fluid was drained off (again) today so I will have a few days of relief from that but this scar tissue is CRAZY! If I raise my arm or even round my back it feels like I'm going to pull out a rib. This happened on my chest after my mastectomy but on a much smaller scale. It was uncomfortable and not fun but what I have now feels like it is the size of the lat muscle that was moved. Last time around I went to physical therapy  and it worked wonders. Feel free to look back at my post about ASTYM. I highly recommended it way back in 2014. I'm happy to report that my surgeon has referred me for physical therapy. I'm so excited that I get to go back to my favorite physical therapist and I'm even more excited about getting some relief. I'm not sure if ASTYM will be part of the plan this time but I sure hope so. I should get some details this week. I just know that we can't get started soon enough for me.  :-)  As always, I will keep the blog updated with my progress. 

Well, it's been nice to be back but I'm off to try to sleep a bit. It won't be long until I have to be up to get the kids ready for school and start my work day. I'll be back soon!

Love to all,

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