Thursday, February 11, 2016

What I've learned,, heck, I don't know

Hello friends!
I hope your Thursday has been fabulous. I hope that everyone has their Valentine goodies and cards ready for the big day tomorrow. If your kids are not yet in school or are already in middle school or beyond...bless you. There is a lot of prep involved this time of year and it's especially challenging when you can't drive. Once again my parents (both sets) saved the day. Much love to all of them!!!

So, what have I learned? It's time for bulleted list. YAY!

  • My level of patience with recovery is CRAP. I went into this knowing that it would take extra time but DANG!
  • Muscle spasms or, muscle seizures, as I like to call them, SUCK! Especially when one of the muscles in question wraps halfway around your body. 
  • I'm going to need to sleep on an incline for a good long while. If I lay at angle less then 45 degrees, there's pain...a lot of pain. I'm not sure whether the expanders are trying to move or if it strains or stretches the muscle somehow. All I know is that it is bad painful. 
  • Drains still suck. 
  • By the time they are ready to remove my stitches on Tuesday (on my back at least) they are probably going to have to dig some of those puppies out. Oh yay!
  • I could probably sleep 20 hours a day. I'm not quite sure what surgery has done to my poor body but apparently it needs rest. 
  • My family is awesome. My mother-in-law dropped everything and basically moved in to help us. I know it's hard to be away from home and I want to publicly let her know how much I appreciate her and all that she's done.
    My parents have been a blessing. The continue to help take care of me whenever needed even though they should have been rid of me since age 18. They've served as my babysitters, transporters, caregivers and supporters. 
  • I have the best husband in the world ever. He had no idea what he was getting into when he said "in sickness and in health". He is my best friend, the love of my life, a spectacular father, son, brother and all around human being. He accepts my perpetual defectiveness and I love him for it. 
I'm going to go to sleep now but I'm hoping, as I wind down post op week 2, that it will be uphill from here...right up until they pump more fluid into these half empty balloons!  lol

Love to all,

1 comment:

  1. It will all be worth it when it's over. Hang in there beautiful! Love, Breah
