Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Aaaand...I lost nothing

I saw the surgeon today. I walked in the door expecting to have nothing removed, then had a moment when it seemed as if it was all going to come out at once and then, finally, I lost nothing. I still have my 3 drains (and the fanny pack...don't hate) and all of my 100+ stitches (I'm working on an official tally before they all come out). I have mixed emotions about this. I'm a little glad that everything didn't come out at once. That's a lot of stuff to tolerate at one time - especially with my experience the last time. I was mentally and, somewhat, physically prepared to lose some stitches and one of the front drains. Now I'm back to, potentially, facing a day where I could, at minimum, get 2 drains pulled and all of the stitches. Eeek.   I am scheduled to return to her office on Tuesday for another check but, if the drain output slows to less than 30 ml/day, I can go in Friday and get one or both of the front drains pulled. The back drain will likely stay in for at least another week after that. THEEEN, we start filling the expanders. I have chosen to accept the fact that I'm going to be uncomfortable for the next few months. I figure that will make this whole process a lot easier.

An update on the dark spots on my incision. They are looking much better. Dr. Hall now thinks that it was probably dark bruising rather than dying skin - that's good news! The color is much better in those areas and the flap is looking fabulous. Well...as fabulous as a transferred flap of skin can look. It's not pretty but it's WAAAAY prettier than it was before. The mastectomy chest pending reconstruction is not attractive at all.

I'm still getting used to the swelling on the left side and the new structures on the chest. This whole process is quite weird but what an experience. I knew when I started this part of the journey that this might be the most physically challenging of all - I wasn't wrong. I have a better attitude about it now that I'm (hopefully) over the worst part of it and I can see the changes. And yes, I have become one of "those" women. Even as ugly as they are right now, I'll show 'em to you. lol  I'll write about that whole thing the next time - my philosophy about why "those" women do that. You will, no doubt, find it fascinating.

Good night.
Love to all,

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