Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What I've learned...

It's 11 pm and I'm exhausted so this will be a short post. It's time for another entry in our What' I've Learned In The Last 12 Months series. I don't know what entry number this is so let's just say it's number 3...It's going to be a "REALLY Real Truth" post too...
I'm having a really hard time dealing with the whole fatigue thing. I am leaps and bounds ahead of where I was 3 months ago but it really ticks me off that I still tire out so easily. I push on and, hopefully, it's not too noticeable to anyone else.  I keep going because I have to - life doesn't have a hold button. I don't want to do less, I want to be able to tolerate more.  I know, I know...everyone says "you've been through a hell of a year, it will take time to get back to normal." Have we met? I want to be done with this craziness and just be able to function like a normal person. I shouldn't even complain because I know how blessed I am to have gotten this far but I share the things that make me smile AND the stuff that ticks me off.  That's what you come here for. :-)

I'll post something inspiring and possibly funny tomorrow...maybe. I still owe you that scar tissue post. I hate that stuff!

Love to all,

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