Monday, March 23, 2015

Warning: I think I'm going to complain a little

You must be wondering what could POSSIBLY be messing with my peppy attitude, right? I'm glad you asked. I'm chipper, overall, but there is something that is absolutely driving me crazy. It's uncomfortable, inconvenient and sometimes painful. What might it be? SCAR TISSUE!!!!! This stuff is ticking me off. I went through the ASTYM treatment after surgery and it worked wonders. I had normal range of motion, no pain, no tightness....nothing. I started working out in January and things started to tighten up pretty quickly. My range of motion has been greatly reduced and I'm back to feeling like I'm going to pull out a rib if I move my arm too far. I've started with some more aggressive stretching and trying to work it loose. UGH! The tightness has spread - it now pulls from under my arm all the way to my sternum. I'm prepared for some discomfort because at some point, after the stretching and massage, that stuff is going to pop loose. I'm eager for that to happen but then again...not.  lol
On top of the scar tissue, the fatigue has been a pain in my behind for the past couple of weeks. On some days I've felt like I've gone backwards. Today was the first day in 60 days that I didn't feel like working out...I did it anyway but it took all of the motivation I could muster to get up and do it. 
Ok, the whining session is over. I'm going to go try to break up some scar tissue and sleep. Tomorrow I WILL feel better. I shall will it to be!

Good night and love to all!


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