Monday, March 30, 2015

It's 11 PM, guess where Dools is...

I am right here! I promised a post and I keep my word. Goodnight!

Just kidding. I promised a post and you shall have a post.
So, what's new in the Doodleverse? Let's see...oh, I guess it's time for a goal update. Let's look back, shall we...

Here are the goals posted here a couple of months ago:

  • Down 10 lbs by 2/22/15 DID IT!
  • Down 20 lbs by the anniversary of my diagnosis (March 26) Down 18.8 BUT when I weighed in today during my health assessment, fully clothed including SHOES!, their scale showed I was at the 20 lb loss mark. I will not count it since it was not the same scale I've used since the beginning but it made me smile!

  • Down 30 lbs by the anniversary of my first chemo - I will NOT miss this one. 
  • Graduate to 21 Day Fix Extreme by May 2015 - Started Extreme in March 2015
  • Move on to Les Mills Pump (I'm so looking forward to this one) - Currently out of stock. I must have it!!!
  • Move on to Les Mills Combat (I'm really, really, really looking forward to getting into this one)
  • That's my fitness/rebuilding update. Now for the general health update. I mentioned the health assessment above. Well, the results were good. Other than the whole cancer thing, I appear to be much healthier than last year. Ironic...right? Cholesterol (good, bad and ugly), blood sugar, blood pressure...everything looked FABULOUS! 

    Seeing success after setting fitness goals, I've gone a little crazy with goal setting and deadlines. If you follow along on Facebook, you might have seen the post about the family binder. This thing is going to consume my life for a while. If you decide to do one, know that it will not be completed in one day...or even two...unless you are Wonder Woman (which I am not).  If you do it right, it will take a while. I'm not anywhere near being done but I have completed the savings plans through 2016 and most of the household information. Next comes cleaning schedules, birthday lists, anniversary lists, contact info,.. I can't even remember all of the tabs at the moment but this thing is going to be lovely. I'm always preaching about "The Bus Test" at work so I thought I should make every effort to insure that The LD could pass! As COO of this household, it's my job to make sure we can. The CEO, the two interns and the office dog depend on me.  ;-)

    It's now 11:30 so I'm shutting down. Have to get ready for an office day tomorrow. My first call is @ 7:30 and I love it!  

    Have a wonderful night everyone. I'll be back soon!

    Love to all,

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