Saturday, March 7, 2015

What I've Learned over the past 12 months - Entry #2


It's nothing heroic, I'm not special and I'm certainly NOT Wonder Woman...not even close. I think that going through a little bit of suffering just changes your perspective. I've been very open and honest with my posts this year and I won't stop now. Yes, I have been working out every single day since January 22. I'm losing weight and getting stronger BUT I'm sore every single day. It's not easy and it's not glamorous but, to me, it's worth every ache, every pain. Sore muscles are a sign that I'm doing something and I'm alive. My foot still hasn't healed but I'm managing it. I didn't do much of anything for several months. I would stroll but not much more than that.  My flexibility is gone...and I had some to spare. My muscles were weak - lunges and squats with weak muscles while carrying extra weight are challenging. I still modify a lot of exercises BUT I DO THEM!  I am determined to achieve the goals I've set for myself this year. I will not quit and I will not lose. I didn't just get to the end of treatment in December and wake up the next day feeling 100%. I'm tired all the time. My sleep is restless. Today I broke down and took a nap. I'm trying to listen to my body. Why did I need a nap? Well, I got up, got everyone fed (except me...skipped breakfast...I didn't plan to). I decided to get my workout in early so I did 21 Day Fix Dirty 30. I was going to get on the treadmill but we decided to go out and clear the driveway. It was still covered with ice and snow so it took us a while but we cleared the entire thing. I was in charge of breaking up the ice so Bobby could clear it.

It didn't take long for my muscles to start screaming at me. Yes...the soreness didn't wait until tomorrow. I was also worn out. That is hard work even for someone in peak physical condition, right? I made sure everyone had their hot lunch and then I announced I was going to take a nap...and I did. With zero guilt! I slept through the UK game (GO CATS!) but woke up in time to make dinner. After dinner I spent 40 minutes on the treadmill in hopes of keeping my muscles loose (I also had a hot soak so I'm hoping for minimal discomfort tomorrow). I also tried to flood one end of our house but that's completely irrelevant to this post.
The point here is to say that you should never doubt yourself. There's no need to have a life changing diagnosis before you focus on changing your life. Yes it's hard, and yes, sometimes it's painful but in the end the only thing you regret is what you didn't do.
Thank you cancer for teaching me to play through the pain.

Until next time.
Love to all,

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