Thursday, January 29, 2015

Life is full of good things!

Happy, happy day to you, my blog friends! I'm having a happy day! Dug and I are all smiles.

disney animated GIF

If you don't know who Dug is then we can't be friends. There's still hope for you - we can reconcile if you stop what you are doing and go watch the movie "UP".  It includes the sweetest love story (in only the first few minutes), it has an adorable grumpy old man, a cute kid and DOGS! Dug is the bestest...why, you ask? He's super cute and...well...this...

And why do I love this? Because I can relate. I use "squirrel" as a verb, often when acknowledging my own attention deficits. I can prove that it's a problem - when this post was in my head, it did not include an Ode to Dug - this all happened because when I searched for "happy dog", Dug came up and off we went...SQUIRREL!

So let's get to the boring stuff. My foot is TONS better. I didn't take the meds beyond the first week. I've worked hard to make sure I'm stretching, wearing good shoes, I got a splint for overnight, I'm modifying my workouts as need so I don't make those tendons angry again. Boy were they mad before!

In other news, I received my graduation papers from the Nurse Navigator this week. You probably saw it on Instagram so I won't bore you with a repeat of my sentiments here, but even with a wee bit of nerves, I'm in a good place emotionally for what's to come. I'll write a blog post soon about my conversations with the Almighty over the past decade or so and my philosophy about how I need to edit my side of those conversations going forward. That should be a fun one!

In Fitness News, I'm proud to announce that I have completed 8 days of the 21 Day Fix. Still loving it. I'm digging up some great recipes on Pinterest so I'm really excited. I've been doing the workout for a week now but have just been keeping my caloric intake under 1200 calories (net). This weekend I'll be planning meals the Fix way and see what happens. In the first 8 days I've dropped 4.2 lbs and I'm already noticing some changes in my how my clothes fit. I did not take measurements before I started so I don't know exactly what the results are there. I did measure today so I'll know going forward. I'm interested to see what happens over the next couple of weeks.  I am so motivated to do more. Once I get through this week, I'm going to do 2 workouts daily. Once in the morning and once in the evening. I bought bucket loads of fruits and vegetables yesterday - if you know me, you now I have major problems eating fruit but I decided it's time to get over it. I've been through Hell in the last year and I came through it stronger so I should be able to get past my texture issues and be a damn grown up. Therefore, I shall eat fruit. I'm also trying to set an example for my children. I heard a quote sometime during the past couple of weeks that I've already heard myself repeat to the kids. It is, "If you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, then you're not that hungry." Genius, right?

There's much more to be happy about but it's past my bedtime. I hope to be back soon with an update. Thanks for hanging in there with me friends.

Love to all,


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