Monday, January 5, 2015

Suck it up, Buttercup!

Let me just start by saying that this is going to be one of those super honest posts. I worry that, when I'm super honest, readers may think that my attitude has gone assured, it has not. I just think it's important to share the good stuff and the challenges - if I don't...well, then what's the point of sharing all of my business? You can't help anyone else if you sugar coat stuff. Right? So here we go...
December was a very challenging month. No complaining here...just facts. I started to see the results of radiation on my skin, my lungs got progressively more congested and my foot pain seemed constant. The skin issues were not comfortable but I knew things would ease up eventually. Time and patience...that's what it would take.
The lungs have been a lingering annoyance. I think I covered the basics in a previous post so I won't bore you with those details again. I finished the zpack with no real improvement and got a little nervous last weekend when the dry cough worsened and I felt like my chest was constricted. With a little help from my aunts, things got moving but I was also hit with cold symptoms. Fast forward to now and things are about the same - this is so irritating. I have a feeling I'll be back at the doctor before the end of the week if things don't improve.
BUT FIRST I have an appointment to get my foot checked out tomorrow. I'm hoping I've injured it somehow and that it's not nerve damage from the chemo. I fear that's what it is and I'm trying to figure out how to play through the pain. I hobble around and it's not fun. It's weird because it doesn't hurt as bad as others. It's like I do things that aggravate it. It's driving me crazy because I must get this weight off and it's hard to walk much less do any worthwile cardio. I'm doing Pilates but my big behind needs to FEEL THE BURN!!!!
Anyway, my battery is about to go and I need to get in bed. I have a busy morning/day ahead. I'll update tomorrow and I'll get around to writing my Stuart Scott post.

Say a prayer for a foot injury!! Thanks.

Love to all,

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