Thursday, February 5, 2015

Get ready, this one will be quick.

Howdy friends!
I'm here for a very quick update. I need to sleep while I can because I've been waking up and odd hours so I'm tired but I also have a victim of the stomach bug snuggled up next to me. That means I could be up at anytime tending to my little one. Yes, we are fighting off more cooties here @ The LD. Pray that our baby girl gets over this quickly and that the rest of us are spared.

The rapid fire updates (with details to come later)"

  • I just finished day 14 of the 21 Day Fix and, as of my last weigh in, I'm down 6.6 lbs. I'll weigh again tomorrow..ya know...just to see how things are progressing. Tomorrow I start 2-a-days. woot woot I'm feeling better, stronger and I'm already noticing a difference in how my clothes fit. I've lost inches, I know, I just don't know how many because I'm only measuring once per month. 
  • I saw my oncologist yesterday and he said I looked good, treatments would continue without change, I'll have another ECHO in March. Treatment went off without a hitch. I was able to see one of my favorite treatment buddies! I haven't seen her since chemo ended (September 24).
  • I saw my surgeon today. He, too, said everything looked good. Even though my skin held up during radiation, we'll still wait the full year before starting reconstruction. The radiation causes other issues with the tissues (ha ha...nevermind) so it's best to let everything recover before going under the knife.
    There was discussion of port removal this summer.  I'm almost afraid to say that out know how I am about jinxes. We won't discuss it again until the time comes. That way, we'll all feel better about it...right?
Ok friends, I'm off to bed. I want to get some sleep before I wake up on my own or before little Linda Blair wakes up.  (Get it...that's an Exorcist There's vom...nevermind).

Love to all!

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