Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Yes, I am a slacker

Happy January 14 to you all. I'm finally back on the blog. I've posted quick updates to the FB page but I've been absent from the blog for, I think, a couple of weeks or close to it. So, what has happened since my last post? Quite a few things, actually. It may take me more than one sitting to provide a complete update but we'll get there.  
First of all, I'm pleased to announce that I did go to the doctor about my foot, as planned, and the diagnosis was NOT nerve damage - I have plantar faciitis. It HURTS but it will heal. This is great news. I have to not overdo it for 4-6 weeks (no treadmill, no heels, don't go barefoot and always wear supportive shoes), take an anti-inflammatory, and be patient so the inflammation and whatever other damage there might be, can heal. That has put a bit of a damper on my fitness plans but I'm adapting. Since I can't do hardcore cardio for a while I've been asking around about low impact alternatives so I can at least do something. I already love Pilates but I like variety. Yoga and Yogilates were suggested but I'm most intrigued by the suggestion of  Barre workouts. Genius! I had forgotten how tough barre work was and how good it was for the body. I was much younger when I did that type of thing regularly and MUCH MUCH MUCH more fit than I am right now. I'm excited to have something new and different to do. I'll let you know if I'm still as excited after I do it for a few days and unable to walk.   :-)
I battled the chest congestion right up until late this past weekend. It's not 100% gone but it's nowhere near the issue that it was. I can laugh a little without going into a hysterical coughing fit. I saw my Radiation Oncologist on Monday and she said my lungs sounded clear so anything left was just upper respiratory junk. Ya gotta love that!
Yesterday I made a trip to the office. It was so great to be able to see, not only co-workers from our Kentucky market but from all over the country. I only get to see them once or twice a year anyway so I'm thrilled that I was able to get some hugs and high fives from them. I hope everyone has a safe trip home.
Today has been a challenge. It all started when I woke up @ 2 AM. Yes, you read that correctly. I've been awake for a good long while and I'm ready to get the babies tucked in and get some sleep. Whew! That wasn't the only issue today. I'll spare you the long story for now but due a combination of cluelessness on my part and weather, I spent the morning driving to an appointment that I didn't have, couldn't make it to the actual appointment time so I had to coordinate rescheduling, when I tried to go home the road was shut down so I had to drive twice as long just to get home. I was an unhappy camper for a few minutes but I got over it. Every day, no matter how challenging and nerve rattling (especially for a control freak) they get, is a blessing so I end the day with a (sleepy) smile.
I'm off for my nightly reading session with the babies. I'll be back again this week with some more planning stuff and we're going to get back to the daily laugh...because who couldn't use THAT??

Love to all,

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