Saturday, August 30, 2014

What a day!

I am worn out BUT for good reason.  I woke up rested this morning after a good night's sleep. The kiddos ended the week on high notes - YIPEE!!!  I'm easing my way back into work and, I'm happy to say, I was able to put in a few hours today. That may not sound like much to you, maybe not even anything to get excited about, but it gave me such a lift!  For me, it's a good thing to feel like I'm contributing - even on a very small scale at this point. I'm using my brain and I'm (hopefully/eventually) helping my co-workers. I'm really excited at the prospect of spending a few hours a week checking off a to do list and maybe, just maybe, returning as a real contributor to the team. Don't worry, per the doc, the husband, and the boss, I'm not permitted to stress or overdo it. I'm listening...promise. 
Now I need a nap!

Back tomorrow.
Love to all!

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