Friday, August 8, 2014

Just when you think you have it all figured out

Sometimes things can move along a certain way and you think, "I've got this under control!" and than WHACK, life slaps you in the back of the head, as if to say, "Nope, not so much."  No, this is not going to be a Debbie Downer post. It is yet another educational post. Just to let you know, in case you ever have to go through Chemo, the side effects change from one drug to another (duh) and sometimes from the start of one treatment to the middle. Yep, this time around it seems like I'm getting new and interesting side effects every week. They nuisance type things but it's still crazy to think each week something else takes the lead in the side effect race. The tip here, don't ever assume that you have everything figured out. Be prepared to go with the flow and be flexible so you don't drive yourself crazy. Here's a bit of the latest (no TMI, don't worry).

  • My nose is still driving me crazy. Desert dry. Still working with the saline and Vaseline to cope. It helps but it takes a lot of upkeep. 
  • Nausea has lessened/improved each week so far. I'm still too chicken to go completely off my nausea meds but I'm down to the minimim.
  • Heartburn is still baaaaaaad for a few days each week.
  • Neuropathy was very irritating with last week's treatment. My toes were tingling for days. Oddly, this week, the tingling has been minimal since treatment. I'm not sure what's up with that.
  • Hands still look dirty. Nothing to see here, move on.  ;-)
  • Sleep cycle seems to have no pattern anymore. Fatigue is still an issue but better than round 1, for certain! Last week I slept pretty well and at when normal people sleep. This week has been a little more random. That doesn't work well when you need to help get small children up and out the door for the first two days of school. I'll spare you the story but I slept through 3 alarms this morning. They still got to school on time but DANG!!!
  • I have a hairline...that's about all I have but I do have a hairline! It's not really filling in yet but what's there seems to be growing and, so far, it's dark. I was expecting some crazy silver/blonde monstrosity but I see no signs of that as of yet. I know you're on the edge of your seat so I'll keep you posted.
I'm cutting this short because I actually think I might be able to get some sleep right now. The kids will be up searching for Mommy in a few hours so I need to sleep while I can. Hopefully my 5:00PM cup of coffee won't interfere.

Catch ya later!
Love to all,

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