Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fun times at treatment

Today was TREATMENT DAY!!!  My darling husband (DH) was my treatment buddy today (we have a rotation with the weekly visits) and we had one of our regular roommates today. That means we could share the joy!  Numbing cream was on nice and early again so I felt absolutely nothing (woohoo!). Met with the doctor to discuss side effects, etc. Nothing worth delaying treatment over so he gave me the thumbs up an sent me on for the juice.  Blood work came back good. My nurses said the numbers looked great but I didn't get the exact numbers. They were going to print out a report for me but we all forgot before I left.  Oh, my echo is scheduled for the 18th so we can check on the ol' ticker.

So, we arrived at 8 AM, waited a bit, saw the doc, waited a bit, went in for infusion, I was plugged in, blood drawn, blood tested (waited some more), got the all clear, started pre-meds and then Taxol started at about 10:15 and that takes about an hour. No Herceptin today so that saved us about another 40 minutes. Being there for so long you have to be able to entertain yourself. We chatted with the nurses, like always, played our tunes (today's Pandora stations were Journey Radio and Dean Martin Radio), puzzle books and today we added a game. We played Heads Up. If you're not familiar with Heads Up, it's pretty fun. I have included a clip from Ellen of her playing with Sean Hayes. You can download it on iPhone, iPad and Android.  We played on the Kindle today because it's easier to see. Everybody got into it - nurses and all. Good times!

I was able to sleep for a bit after we got home today (bonus!) but I need to try to get some extra rest because my babies, BOTH of them, start school tomorrow. I can't even talk about it. Gabriel has moved on to 1st grade and my little baby girl is rolling her ginormous personality into Kindergarten. WHAT?  Thanks to my folks for helping with supplies, they are all packed up and ready for their first day. Supply bag is packed, Backpacks are loaded and ready to go. Clothes are ready, first day of school signs printed for pics, camera battery charged, and a little pack of Kleenex all ready to roll. I can't believe how fast the time goes. Wish us luck! I'll be back tomorrow....promise.

Love to all,


  1. I need pics plzzzz!!! I will cry my eyes out cnt believe they r growing up soo fast

  2. I will post. I didn't forget about you today, I promise. They didn't get home until almost 8. :-(
