Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I have presented myself with a challenge this evening - to write a post without really going into detail on the topic. I fear the jinx, you know. I fear that if I say it aloud I will somehow cause a disturbance in The Force and make it all fall apart. Example: yesterday I wrote about my hair and the fact that I had seen a few silver strands coming through - well today I found a whole crop of those suckers! So, I'm going to give this a try while doing all I can to maintain the balance of the universe. .

So, I look at the calendar today, as I often do, and I realize that (1) my baby girl is turning 5 in a month (WHAT?!) and (2) the day before her birthday, something that has been a fixture in my life since May is supposed to come to an end...assuming there are no delays (KNOCKING ON WOOD WITH ALL MY MIGHT). Just think about that for a minute...ok, that's enough. Let's move on before the jinx fairies show up...and if they do, just act normal. 
While (briefly) considering this next milestone, it hit me. Now is the time to start planning ahead for Andrea 2.0. Physical, emotional, personal, professional, spiritual...all of it. I need to work on fitness plan (starting slow), tighten up on a nutrition plan, make sure that I'm balancing work and home in such a way that neither suffers, find new and exciting ways to manage stress, basically I need to figure out how to take care of everything, do it all perfectly and not stress out in the process. Easy, right??  

Even when "it" comes to an end, my journey does not. I'll be dealing with treatment right up until the holidays but the fun doesn't even stop there, I'll be going for Herceptin infusions every three weeks for the next year, at some point I'll start a 5 year regimen of Tamoxifen. I still have a few surgeries ahead of me and, I'm sure, more poking, prodding and testing. All this while trying to get back to a "normal" life.  Whew, I'm tired just thinking about it. Wait...I'm tired all the time. ha!  The reality is that things won't go "back to normal", this is a new normal and I'm OK with it. I have so much to be thankful for and I'm going to figure it all out.  I can manage my health, be a good wife and mom, an asset to my employer and an over-sharing blogger. Right?  That's all part of the journey so at some point we'll move away from discussing treatments and symptoms and discuss the "what's next" and I'm looking forward to it.

Love to all,

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