Monday, January 11, 2016

I'll do my best

I have 2 IVs in one arm, I'm not supposed to use the other one (even worse than T-Red arms). I also have a drain and a pulse ox monitor on my finger. Wires, tubes and cords everywhere.  I've pulled out my mini keyboard so hopefully the mistakes will  be few. It's still awkward but it has to be better than trying to do this with one finger.
Surgery day for procedure #13 started out with some challenges but we worked through them. Prep went pretty quickly, procedure took less time than expected and I was in my room a little after Noon. Pain was managed pretty well but for the first time I had some nausea. They acted quickly and soon that was under control. as of now, I've only had 2 doses of pain meds post surgery. if I move my arm the muscle gets angry but if I keep it still the pain is tolerable.  I'll take something before I go to sleep but pushing through for now.
Let me just say that you have no idea how  much you use this muscle until somebody cuts that sucker loose. Oh my. My throat remains a little irritated from the tube but it's not too horrible.
The return of the "bulbicle" has been uneventful, thus far but I still loathe drains!
Bobby has been an awesome caregiver. We've been up walking the halls, watching some football and he's been learning drain maintenance and checking out the surgical site. He says I'm pretty bruised. I guess that's to be expected since someone cut open my  back, stuck their arm in and detached a muscle and then stitched it back.  Ouchie.
 before I sign off, I just want to say thanks for the calls, texts, facebook messages and posts. You are too kind.

I'm going to rest a bit and hopefully sleep. I will update tomorrow. The clock is now counting down to surgery #2 which is now 20 days away.  Whew!

Love to all!

  1. Andee

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